Thursday, April 25, 2013

David Langer Days in Mexico...

"Surfing with friends is the best.  Without someone to share the experience with, it becomes almost worthless.  The same goes for tow surfing, only more so.  
Without a tow partner it's not possible, and the gifts that you give each other are priceless.
On the morning on march 21, my friend Leal Curran, one of the most benevolent men that I know, gave me a gift as priceless as any other of the waves my tow partners Jeremy Deloach, and Bobo Pahukoa have given me is the past.  I know that I gave him some as well.  We filmed with his GoPro 3, surfed on his strapless Stretch tow board, and used his Honda Jet Ski as well.  Thank you Lael!!  I owe you at least one."

David Langer